The course makes itself feel less like a course and more of a practice. It is the Learning the Bible Language that is structurally laid out throughout the Bible itself grammarly. The course helps you understand the word or definition of the actual words written in the Bible. With this course, you don’t have to interpret any words in the Bible as per your understanding or convenience, neither you have to research the word outside books resources.
The course “Israelite Weekly Study” is designed with all the Scripture Verses and a detailed explanation of all the chapters of the Holy Bible. In addition, the course has live weekly discussions with a review quiz for each lesson. The course instructor and the world’s best Bible Preceptor, Elder Michael Johnson, will help you learn the Bible without Commentary, Dictionaries, Concordance, and other tools. Thus, learn the scripture according to the laws of God.

The Book Of Romans is the book carrying the entire Romans. From the genuineness of the Epistle to the influence of the Epistle, everything is mentioned. To help the teachers teach you the great Precepts of Romans, the teachers’ tools teach them public teaching tools and materials for their live teachings. However, these teaching are only for the approved teachers who can clearly articulate key doctrines like man’s sinfulness, regeneration, justification by faith, adoption, union with Christ, and sanctification to the common people.